A few days ago Annalyn got into the pantry and closed the door. When I went to open it she said,
I went back to washing dishes. About a minute later I hear,
I opened the pantry door to find...
The oreos were hidden BEHIND the paper towels, but like Po in Kung Fu Panda - tell this girl where the oreo cookies are and you'll find her in a "perfect split" on the top shelf shoving cookies in her mouth. Good thing the camera was handy!
Cuteness of this morning 10/12/11:
Annalyn dropped her gogurt on the floor during breakfast.
Mom: "Do you want me to pick that up for you?"
Anna: "No thank you Mom Honey"
Annalyn doesn't pronounce the "s" sound correctly if it's at the first of a word. So here are some fun phrases only to be heard at the Oldham residence:
"I fart mom" (smart)
"I want farties" (smarties)
"Abby, can you file at me?" "She filed, she filed!" (smile)
Obviously nursing takes a front seat in our daily life - and thus my 2-year old's brain thinks she knows all about it:
Shortly after reading (i.e. looking at) her "Old Macdonald Had a Farm" book Annalyn came to me while I was nursing Abigail and said,
"Mom, your milk comes out your boobs, but a cow's milk comes out their bum."
She quickly learned the word "udder" after I had Annalyn bring me her farm book and turn to the picture of the cow.
Anna was being disruptive in sacrament meeting so I took her out into the foyer. After several minutes ON MY LAP she calmed down and said,
"I want to go back in mom"
"Okay, but you need to fold your arms and be reverent"
"Okay mom, you fold your arms too"
"Okay, ready?"
"Sure, but mom... you need to cover up your boobs." As she took both hands and pulled my shirt up to my chin. The other parents in the foyer were cracking up! Haha - thanks for keeping me on track cute girl!
Mom: "Good Morning Annalyn"
Anna: "Oh Hi Mom. I want to see Abigail" (this nonchalant "Oh Hi Mom" is normal)
(Annalyn proceeds to climb up next to me on the couch and poke and prod Abigail while she's nursing)
Mom: "Abby doesn't like that honey"
Anna: "But mom look...Baby Abby waked her eyes up. She yikes it! She yikes it!"
While doing dishes Annalyn was pulling on my legs saying, "Mommy Mommy (exasperatedly) Mommmmy...come here."
Mom: "Hold on a minute honey, my hands are wet"
Annalyn: "Ug, mom, you're dwiving me nuts"
Compliment of the day 10/3/11
"Hi Mom. I like your big legs." (She pronounces like with a y...yike)
I love it when a 2-year old starts praying on their own.
"Dear...We're dateful for mom and dad and all kind of sings(things)..." (funny that she'll say the "s" sound at the first of this word, but not when the word actually does start with an "s"....why is that?)
"Dear...We're dateful for dad and peter piper...amen"
"Dear...dateful dat mom and dad got mawwied in the tempo" (this was so sweet cuz she did it all on her own - we hadn't even been talking about the temple that day.)
Mostly prayers consist of thanking Heavenly Father for everyone in the room - usually twice, and then thanking Him for every individual item on our plates, plus the plate, sippie, and often the door and windows in the room.
In the car on the way home one evening...
Mom: The sun is going down that means it's almost time for bed
Anna: The sun is bwight in my eyes
Mom: Don't look at the sun, it'll hurt your eyes
Anna: I looking I looking...mama it's bwight
Mom: Well, why did you look at it?
Anna: Because why
Popular Phrase during potty training:
"I knew there was some pee in there!!"
We'd just gotten back from swimming at a friend's pool and I asked Annalyn to take off her wet swimsuit so we could have a bath. She complied. I looked over about a minute later and she was on a barstool, stark naked, hands behind her back putting a piece of pull and peel licorice in her bum crack...
Mom: "Annalyn, what are you doing?"
Annalyn: "I'm taking my temperature."
(Abigail had a fever that morning and she'd watched me take her temp. with a rectal thermometer. HAHAHA)
Annalyn came up to me yesterday (10/17/11) and said:
"Mom, X is for Xylophone. Bet you didn't know that!"
Annalyn knows her alphabet and will sing it for you if you give her a gummy worm.
She knows about 1/2 the letters by sight and can write and A and a C by herself (at least mom can tell that's what she's writing)
Trav started teaching her math - she knows 1+1=2 and 2+2=4 (which she will also show you if you give her a gummy worm ;-)
Everytime we ask Annalyn to pick the song for Family Home Evening she immediately starts singing "Wing awound da Wosie, a pocket pull of Posies..."
Her favorite pastime right now is to have PICNICS! I am constantly finding her in a corner of the house or out back with the picnic blanket, her tea set from Grandma O., her play food and her stuffed animals. She invites me to join sometimes but only if I bring "real food." So cute!
All of our neighbors have dogs (we're surrounded) and Annalyn's other favorite pastime is to stand by the fence out back and make Riley (the chihuahua next door) bark. The other day I poked my head out the back door and said:
"Anna honey, what are you doing?"
"Bugging Riley. I'll come in in a minute."