Sunday, October 31, 2010
Meet the Flintstones!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
And now it is our favorite time...
Just too precious to not include. Can't remember what she was eating but obviously she liked it. This is true for most meals. She's a good eater - as evidenced by those cute cheeks.
Her favorite foods right now are green beans, broccoli, ramen noodles, and pb&j (although she's decided she doesn't like her crust on the bread - where do kids learn that? I eat my crust just fine...*exasperated sigh*) If I put a food in front of Annalyn that she doesn't like there is one "cure-all" ... Just give her some ketchup! Works like a charm. Yup - she's a dipper!
We're also in the "I want to be like Mommy and Daddy" stage. She loves to wear our shoes and socks. Her new thing is purses. She carries them around putting items in and out of them. When we leave the house there is often major drama if she doesn't have her purse. Mommy carried one so she has to have one too!
Here are just a few of her other favorite things:
Garbage day - the highlight of our week. She loves to watch the guys jump on and off the truck and dump the trash. She learned the word "tru[ck]" from this weekly excitement.
Barbie movies! I know - ugh! But it's really not that bad - we now know all the songs to the couple barbie movies we have and we sing and dance to them all the time. For awhile she would wake up in the morning and after Mommy, mommy, she would say, "barbie movie me mom?" ("me mom" is please mom in Annalyn talk).
Signing time! Hence the title of this post for those of you mom's who've seen it. She knows more signs than I do now. She other day she did the sign for "hungry" and I had to go watch the movie to figure out what she was trying to say. It's been so fun to teach her this 2nd language to communicate. We're both getting pretty good.
She can say: mommy, daddy, more, please, sorry, apple, cracker, candy, cereal, girl, boy, baby, juice, milk, water, cookie, hungry, sign, want, cheese, day, and honestly many more - I dont' know why I started writing them down. She can say a lot now!
Owwwies! Everything is an "owie" and if you could see the look on her face when she says it you'd all join in a chorus of "awww." It's so sweet. She has had several knee scrapes recently and they are a constant sorce of "owie mom, owie" and she scratches the scabs off so they take a long time to heal. Bandaids are just a sticker to her so they don't stay on very long. The other day she noticed all the moles on my arms and legs and tenderly touched them each saying "owie mommy, owie." The look of concern was so precious as she bent down to kiss several of them "better."
Animals! Dogs mostly! She has a great repretuar (how on earth do you spell that?) of animal sounds now. She does a camel (spitting), and owl, snake, bunny (boing), sheep, and finally a cow among many others. I don't know why cow took her so long to say... Still dogs are by far her favorite!
She's so expressive. She does a crazy face (which always makes people laugh - I'll try to catch it on camera). She also does a new sad face where she sticks out her lower lip. There's a great scowl and her happy face where she smiles with all her teeth! My favorite is when she sees something exciting and her eyes get really big and she says "wow!"
She still loves her teddy bears - sleeps with them every night! And loves being outside.
She's one tough little cookie. Falls and gets right back up just like a little boy I swear! Several times she's even been bloody and not cried.
Nursery!! Yeah - that 18 month mark couldn't come soon enough and she absolutely loves it! Went right in and didn't care if I left. She's been a bit of a bully though and doesn't really like to share. Mostly she just doesn't like any other kids to look like they are having fun. If they have something - she wants it...period!
Oh she loves to take your hand and pull you to something - this happens most often when Trav and I are sitting on the couch or just trying to relax. She wants us to "get up"
Books! I love it when she backs up into my lap with a book and wants me to read it.
Some new words she says:
"owbow" for elbow
"yut yut" for yuck yuck - usually used during diaper changing
"wader" is now for any drink - water, milk, or juice is "water" (but she'll do the sign for milk is that's what she wants...interesting)
"bir" for bird
"mnum" in a high pitched voice is the sound for cat - instead of "meow"
"wanit" for I want it
"mama" for grandma and "papa" for grandpa
She can say Annie, Ada[m], Hannah, Dawni Jo, and Shai[na] - all of my siblings names except Jed. She loves to skype with them and see "Annie" or "Ada" through the screen.
Well, that's enough for now. Good heavens this was long. For those of you who made it to the end, I hope you enjoyed it. If nothing else, this is a fun and meaningful post I can keep and treasure as my little girl continues to grow up so fast! It's fun to sit and put much of her cuteness down on paper. I know there is so much more, but thats all I can remember right now because it's getting late. I hope her smile is as contageous through pictures as it is in person.
We love y'all!